Friday, January 7, 2011

How Many People Does It Take To Make A Difference? Answer: 1.

I am blessed to have lots of great friends.  Two friends that I meet with often are Claire and Becky.  I call them my "change the world" friends as this is often the main topic of our lunches.  We talk about how we can make "it" better.  "It" covers a wide wide wide range of many things.  Once when we had a big project going on, I told my husband "I just don't know if I can save the world today."  His response to me was, "If you can change the world, shouldn't you?"  That has become one of our key phrases to repeat to each other as we go through trials or feel like giving up. 

I tell you this so you will have a little background information on the delayed Christmas gift that Claire gave me and Becky today.  It's a book called 1:How Many People Does It Take To Make A Difference? written by Dan Zadra and Kobi Yamada.  Claire bought herself one also and we plan to work through this book together.

The first page asks what a great life looks like.  We all have different opinions of what a great life includes but most would agree that a great life includes something worth living for or maybe even worth dying for.  Part of this great life should be devoted to something bigger than ourselves.  Something that inspires you, energizes you and ultimately makes a difference in the world around you. 

At the end of our journey here on earth, most of us hope to look back and see a life that was one of significance rather than regret.  That we left the world a little better than we found it because of the life we lived. 

The book goes on to say that this great life is not something we experience, but rather a life we create.  And that is what the book is about.

Between this book and my Soul Restoration class, I should have a great start on the new year.  After all, if you have the power to change the world, shouldn't you?


  1. =^..^= After reading your post, I wanted to share...
    i have this quote on my bedroom wall where I see it each morning:

    "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito."~HH The Dalai Lama

    I believe every life touches every other.
    It's our choice in what way. xo zU

  2. Love it! Every life does touch every other. That is the perfect thought process.

    Thanks zUzU! Happiness to You!
